FAQ – Questions & AnswersCategory: AK-47 FAQHow to read AK 47 serial number?
Leo jion asked 2 years ago
What do the numbers mean on AK?

5 Answers
Olson answered 2 years ago

AK 47 serial numbers can provide a lot of information about the gun, including the year it was made, the country of origin, and more.

Here’s a look at what each number in an AK 47 serial number means:

  • 1st digit – Year of manufacture
  • 2nd digit – Country of manufacture
  • 3rd & 4th digits – Manufacturer
  • 5th digit – Type or model designator
  • 6th – 8th digits – Production sequence numbers

How to read AK 47 serial number?

For example, if you have an AK 47 with the serial number “1234-5678-9012,” this would tell you that it was made in 2012, in a country other than Russia (the “-5678” indicates this), by manufacturer “12,” which is likely a factory in Romania. The “-9012” at the end is just the production sequence number within that particular manufacturer and model.

If you’re looking to buy an AK 47, it’s important to know what these serial numbers can tell you about the gun so that you can make an informed purchase.

Jordan answered 2 years ago

The AK-47 serial number can tell you a lot about the gun.

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. The first two digits signify the country of origin. For example, Russian-made AKs will have a serial number that starts with “07.”
  2. The next four digits are the manufacturer’s code.
  3. The last two digits are the year of manufacture.
  4. There may also be other letters and symbols stamped on the gun, which could indicate additional information about the weapon. For example, “C” might stand for “converted,” “P” might stand for “pistol grip,” and so on.

If you’re looking for more information about a particular AK-47, the serial number can be a helpful starting point. However, it’s important to keep in mind that there can be exceptions to the general rule. For example, some manufacturers may use different codes or stamp additional symbols on their guns. Therefore, it’s always best to consult an expert before making any assumptions about an AK-47 based on its serial number.

How to read AK 47 serial number?

Cruz answered 2 years ago

AK 47 serial numbers can be quite confusing. They may contain letters, numbers, and dashes. Let’s take a look at each element of the number and what it means.

How to read AK 47 serial number?

The first letter in an AK 47 serial number indicates the country of origin. “S” stands for the Soviet Union, “C” for China, and “W” for Yugoslavia.

The next two numbers indicate the year of manufacture.

For example, if a serial number read “S-548273”, that rifle was manufactured in 1954.

The next two or three digits are the production batch number within that year.

After that come more digits which may be any combination of letters and numbers – these are usually the individual rifle’s serial number within that batch.

Dashes may appear anywhere in the serial number.

In short, an AK 47 serial number can tell you the country of origin, the year it was made, and the production batch. It can also help you to track down a specific rifle if you know its serial number.

Antony answered 2 years ago

Each AK-47 has a unique serial number that is used to identify it. The serial number is typically engraved or stamped on the receiver of the gun. The first two digits of the serial number indicate the country of manufacture, while the remaining six digits indicate the specific model and production run. So, for example, a serial number that reads “XX-07923” would indicate that the gun was manufactured in Romania in 2007, in the 23rd production run.

How to read AK 47 serial number?

Lewis answered 2 years ago

AK 47 serial numbers can tell you a lot of information about the weapon. For instance, the year of manufacture, the country of origin, and the model number can all be determined from the serial number. Here’s a guide to reading AK 47 serial numbers:

The first two digits indicate the year of manufacture. So if the digits are “81,” then that rifle was made in 1981.

The next three digits indicate the manufacturer. So “123” would indicate that gun was made by Arsenal 123 in Russia.

The last four digits are the unique identifier for each weapon.

How to read AK 47 serial number?