FAQ – Questions & AnswersCategory: Ammo FAQHow to store ammo for a long time?
Matt asked 2 years ago
What is the best thing to store ammo in?

6 Answers
Olson answered 2 years ago

Ammo must be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. It’s also a good idea to keep ammo in a container that is ammo-specific, like an ammo can, to help protect it from the elements.
Ammo should never be stored near gasoline or other combustible materials. And if you live in an area with high humidity, you may need to invest in some moisture-control products to help keep your ammo from rusting and corroding.

Lewis answered 2 years ago

Ammo can be stored in different ways, but the most important thing is to keep it away from heat and moisture.

In general, ammo should be stored in a cool, dry place. If you’re storing it in your home, the best place to keep it is in a gun safe or cabinet. If you’re storing it outdoors, make sure to put it in a sealed container or bag and keep it out of direct sunlight. And if you’re traveling with ammo, make sure to pack it in a waterproof container.


Cruz answered 2 years ago
There are a few things to keep in mind when storing ammo for long periods.
1. You want to make sure the ammo is stored in a cool, dry place. Humidity and moisture can cause the ammo to corrode and rust, which can make it unusable.
2. You also want to avoid storing ammo in direct sunlight or near heat sources, as this can also damage the rounds over time.
3. Finally, you should keep the ammo in its original packaging whenever possible to help protect it from the elements.
By following these tips, you can help ensure your ammunition stays in good condition for years to come.
How to store ammo for a long time?

Ivan answered 2 years ago
Ammo should be stored in a cool, dry place to prevent deterioration. You can also store ammo in a cold storage locker or even the freezer if you want to make sure it lasts for a long time. Just make sure to bring it back to room temperature before using it so that it functions properly.

Antony answered 2 years ago
You can to keep your ammo in its original packaging in a cool, dry place. Or you can to vacuum seal the ammo and store it in a cool, dry place. Vacuum sealing the ammo will help keep it from oxidizing and will help keep out moisture.

Jordan answered 2 years ago
Ammo should be stored in a cool, dry place. Basements are a great storage location because they are cool and dry. Make sure to keep ammo away from heat sources and moisture.