FAQ – Questions & AnswersCategory: Suppressor FAQCan you cerakote a suppressor?
Noel asked 2 years ago
Can i Cerakote a suppressor?

5 Answers
Olson answered 2 years ago

Cerakote is a ceramic-based coating that can be applied to metal and plastic parts. It is available in a variety of colors, and it is often used to provide a decorative and protective finish for firearms.

Since suppressors are made from metal or plastic parts, they can be cerakoted to provide a custom look and added protection from the elements. However, it is important to note that cerakote will not make a suppressor water-proof or completely weather-proof. So it is still important to keep your suppressor dry and free from corrosion.

Can you cerakote a suppressor?

Jordan answered 2 years ago

Yes! Cerakote is a ceramic-based finish that can be applied to a variety of substrates, including metal, plastic, and wood. It dries to a hard, durable finish that resists scratches and corrosion. And because it’s available in a wide range of colors, it’s perfect for customizing your suppressor!

If you’re interested in having your suppressor cerakoted, I’d recommend contacting a local cerakote applicator. Be sure to ask for references and/or pictures of previous work to ensure you’re hiring a qualified professional.

Can you cerakote a suppressor?

Lewis answered 2 years ago

Cerakote is a ceramic-based finish that can be applied to a wide range of substrates, including metal, plastic, and wood. It is often used to protect firearms from wear and corrosion, and it can also be used to improve their appearance.

As long as the suppressor is made of a compatible material (metal), it can be cerakoted. However, because cerakote is a thermal coating, the suppressor must first be heated to its curing temperature before the coating can be applied. This means that the suppressor cannot currently be used while it is being cerakoted.

Can you cerakote a suppressor?

Cruz answered 2 years ago

It is possible to cerakote a suppressor, and it can be a great way to improve the appearance and durability of your suppressor. However, it is important to note that cerakoting a suppressor will likely void the manufacturer’s warranty, so be sure to check with the manufacturer before you have any work done.

Cerakote is a ceramic coating that can be applied to a variety of surfaces, including metal, plastic, and wood. It is known for its durability and resistance to scratches and corrosion. So if you are looking for a way to improve the appearance and durability of your suppressor, cerakoting may be the right option for you.

Ivan answered 2 years ago

Yes. Cerakote is a ceramic-based finish that can be applied to metal surfaces like suppressors. It’s available in a variety of colors and provides a high degree of protection against wear, corrosion, and abrasion. Cerakote also has a low reflectivity so it won’t cause your suppressor to stand out too much against your surroundings.

Can you cerakote a suppressor?